31 August 2009

Yeay me !!

my ADY mau pulang ke semananjung sudah.. :DD suke suke. rindu bangat deh sama itu mamat. hehehhehe... tadi die call.. nak naik flight dah... tapi transit ke Kuching.. nnti sampai Kuching die call balik.. rindu kat u lah syggg!! :DD

29 August 2009


Mcm biasa. hari ini. membosankan.
Gastrik. Da boleh tahan. Cume sesekali sakit jugak.
Berbuka dgn sardin aje. Duit tak ada. Hilang.
Rindu dekat SYG. Rindu dekat UMI. Rindu kat JB.
Tak sabar nak Isnin. 17Sept09.
Rumah aman hari ini. Makhluk bising keluar berjalan.
Nak shopping raya.Duit MARA tak masuk lagi.
hehe. ni lah versi pemalas melanda di Bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak. :)

Three Words

These are the 3 words that always in my mind. cepat la balik syg ! i miss u so bad.

28 August 2009


duit mara aku tak masuk lagi.. bdk2 lain da masuk.. ni yg aku bengang ni.. entah2 dapat check lagi kot... haihh.. da la takde duit ni.. nak shopping rayer :( 17hb.. cepat la datang..... besok test. mgu depan test. mgu mgu depan test. bengang nyerrr!!!!!!!!
lambat nyer hari isnin... u.. cepat lah balik.. i rindu u sgt2.. boring lah u tade.. u kat sane bz je.. bz tido jer.. i boring tau takk!!!! da la rindu.. huh!! i tau u balik jb belanjer i makan tandoori kat ampang!! hehe..syg u sesangat!
perut aku kejap ok kejap tak ok.. aku mcm nak bukak jer perut aku ni.. tgok ape yg tak kene, kuarkan..pastuh letak balik.. boleh tak??????

26 August 2009


Hari ni aku duduk terbongkang kat umah. gastrik!! semalam dah start. tapi tahan jugak nak habiskan puasa 1hari punya pasal :( tapi malamm tu makin menjadi2. muntah2..ape yg aku makan aku muntahkan balik... uwaaa >:"( hari ni umi kate jangan puasa.. minum susu.. takot nnti melarat.. ady takde kat sini :( smlm last jumpe die.. die da kat sarawak.. "U, i rindu u sesangat :( " hari sabtu ade test FAR200.. adoii.. aku tak ready apape... aku tak blh study,.. sakit sgt... mcm nak menangis je ni... nak balik jb.. nak umi..

umi.. kalau umi ade kan best.. adik rindu kat umi sangat.. :( nak tgu 17hb lame sgt.. adik nak balik tapi tiap2 minggu ade test.. adik tensyen lah... :(

25 August 2009


aku ni rase mcm nak demam.. tapi tak jugak demam..mcm maner eh?? bukan aku taknak p cek.. tapi biar lah dulu.. tggu bulan depan dpt duit. BODOH tol ah org2 hospital2 n klinik2 ni.. ade ke nak cek h1n1 kene byar rm50... lagi alh org taknak pegi kan? dah kalau student mcm aku ni ker, org yg ak mampu ker.. mcm mane nak cek kan? dorang tak blh pk agaknyer.. penyakit tu blh bawak mati!! dorang lagi pk pasal duit.. bongok nauzubillah... aku tak tau ape yg dorang pk dlm palotak dorang tuu.. BODOH! FAK U!!

23 August 2009

Yesterday was Wonderful!


i'm so happy.. :D semalam MAN U menang! GOSH!! 5-0 ok!!! aku pegi tgk pat umah ady.. hehe.. nn it was like so kecoh.! (biasalah pompan tgok bola) ahahaha.. then, i bet mmg 5-0 tau.. he didnt believe me.. than betul2 5-0.. haha.. masin mulut aku!!! ahahahah... smlm buka betul2 kronik siaa.. malu2 punyer pasal.. ahahhah... segan nak makan byk2 dpan family die.. even dah 2 kali jumpe mak die.. tapi still segan.. aku ni kan pemalu org nyer.. ape pun, his family are all nice :DD thanx auntie!!

then lepas tgok bola tu ingat nak terus balik.. tapi mmbe die call.. ajak isao sisha kat andalus.. hehe.. mule2 die tanyer aku nak ikot ker? aku kate lah nak.. then die call sape ntah tanyer sape ade.. pastuh die tanyer lagi nak ikot ker u? haha.. then aku cakap u nak bawak i ke? (sebenanye dalam hati, aku nak ikot lahh!!!)finally die bawak aku jugak:DD

makanan kat situ mahal2.. al-maklumlah.. 2-2 tgh sengkek.. last2 beli 1 air share. wahhh.. giler krons siaa.. :DD tapi takper.. aku tak kesah.. as long as aku berada di sisi die, tu da memadai (cett!!! ayat aku mcm siak jer!!)

smlm ade amek gamba pakai iphone die yg baru beetulkan tu.. tapi dgn penuh kepandaian di dada, ape bende ntah die bikin sampai gamba tuh hilang sumer.. mangkukss.. haaiihh... yang ade gambar die tgh happy.. time ni tgh tgok bola. hahah.. aku snap pakai hp MURAH aku jer.. hahaha
horror tak?? hahahah
jgn nitemare sudah!!!
syg u lah gilerrrr

22 August 2009

Miss The Old Time

Nah! Look at the old me.. aku kurus lah mase ni!nn.. my long hair.. i can tie it :D

i miss that phone.. my first phone with my own money! <33>


uih.. ni hari 1st day puasa.. haihh... perut dah mule lapa.. dah la sejuk.. aku pun dgn bangganya memakai hoodie yg ady belikan tuhh :) hari ni plan nyer buka kat umah ady.. adeh.. sogan lahh.. rindu nyer kat rumah jb... sahur mesti pkl 4 dapur dah bising :D umi masak. heheh.. then umi kejut makan... tapi kat sini, sahur pun tak.. umi.. adik rindu umi... adik nak balik sahur, puasa n buka dgn umi kat rumah.. adik rindu sgt2. bukan adik taknak balik.. tapi adik kene save duit. next month, dapat mara terus adik balik ehh?? adik sayang sgt2 kat umi... (airmata dah bergenang ni.. tapi tahan jer.. sbb puasa ) :''(

tapi dlm pada tu, sempat jugak lah aku ketawa.. dgn budak uma aku yg ade 2 orang je ni.. hehehe

Ady kate, hidung aku kemek :( jahat betol!! dari hidung jambu air! hahahahha

21 August 2009

The Damn Truth! (for tieta)

Tadi did-Speaker kesayangan aku tu call.. wahh.. giler babs rindu!!! She told me everything..(the story that i didnt know) haha.. giler lembs sial aku.. kesian tieta.. ish..kalau lah aku jadi tieta, aku blarh jer.. takde nyer nak layan pompan n laki mcm tu..They're such a fakers sial.. lagipun terang2 nampak pompan tu ade potensi jadi backstabb.. ish... cukup la aku kene sekali dgn my own BESTFRIEND!..gah!! mcm tak sangka lah jugak kan BESTFRIEND sendiri went out with the person that u adored so much kan... aku pun malas pk bende tu.. da lame dah.. n i always make sure it'll never happen again.. haha.. lakii yg aku minat semua aku tak kenal kan kat dier (dulu2 tau.. b4 jumpe myADY)..heheh...

to tietatod : be strong babe!! ko sendiri tau ko ade ramai mates, friends, bestfriends, BLOODS (kitorang ni).. just ignore about it. yep, cakap mmg senang.. but u have to prove yg buat pun senang mcm ckap.. bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang2 kendian. hahaha :D senyum, ketawa, hangout lah selalu,, kalau kau nak teringat jer, kau makan.. tak pun kau keluar ker,. kau call kawan2 ko ker, aku ker.. ahheheh:DD walaupun bdn ko kecik (dari aku),.tapi aku tau ko boleh! GO TIETA!! (ulang 3kali).. hehe... we're all right here n always be ready for you whenever u need us!! chaiyok2!!u can do it bebeh!! :))

Terror - Terror !!

Thanx Syg..
Love u so so so much!



Bulan Ramadhan

Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan!!:D

Thanks Tieta :)

1. What brand of shirt are you wearing?

er..mcm takde brand je spaghetti yg aku pakai ni. beli kat giant je. haha

2. Would you kiss anyone on your top friends list?

yep! did,ekin,tieta,lisa,myra

3 .How many people on your top friends do you know in real life?

entah ek. tak kuase nak kire. haha

4. How many kids do you want to have?

1 atau 2 je. takyah ramai2. hehe

5. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?


6.Do you wanna change your name?

ocos not! my name is unique oke

7. What did you do for your last birthday?

crying. celake punye jantan!

8.What time did you wake up today?

7.00am, tutup alarm.then tido balik sampai pkl 8.30 :))

9. What were you doing at midnight last night?


10. Name something you CANNOT wait to do?

Kahwin n have a baby :D

11. Last time you saw your dad?

lame dah. 2bulan lebih yg lepas.. :(

12. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life?

i wish could change my way of life.

13. Have you ever talked to Tom?

Tom Cruise hari2 call aku! haha:D

14. last thing you ate?

Nasi putih, ayam goreng, n kuah sikit. beli kat depan kolej tadi:D

15. What's your favorite month?

Bulan Syawal lah.. blh makan free dgn byk!:DD

16. Least favorite month?

Bulan Jatuh keriba. hahah.. entah. semua oke je!

17. Are you in a relationship?


18. Who's getting on your nerves right now?


19. Most visited webpage?


20. Last person to make you sad?

Myself. :(

21. Would you help your best friend fight if he/ she is losing?


22. coke or pepsi?

2-2 tak suke sbb ade gas. gastrik2!

23. Have you been kissed by anyone in the last week?

Yup,, hehe..

24. i tag this to:



-BB ainaa

19 August 2009

ADY is in my HEART

Beauty and The Beast?

SAYANG!! title atas tu takde kene mengena antara hidup dan mati. ia hanya lah rekaan semata2. dan name2 watak bukan nama sebenar. ahahhaha :D

mamat tu mengganggu aku mase aku tgh study. mcm nak kasi tumit je! :))

aku suke gambo ni. tak tau nape. even rambut aku agak sengal sikit kan.! sayang kat mamat sebelah aku ni! hehehhe

H(I)N(I) ;))

hahaha.. langkah mengelakkan gejala selsema BABI. pakai lah mask tuu! tapi aku pakai time ni je. pas amek gamba aku bukak. hahahah... mcm rimas lah.. then asyk terlupe n buat2 lupe je... haihh.. takpe2.. aku akan merajinkan diri!! go dfan go dfan!! :DD

ni dalam kelas BEL.. haha.. ape ntah yg lecturer aku membebel.. sempat je aku menSNAP gamba, hehhe:DDD

Tudung ke Tudung Saji??

haha..ni gambar aku bertudung. kejadian bertudung akan berlaku setiap hari rabu setiap minggu. tu pun kalau aku rase aku nak pergi kelas CTU.. hehe:))

1) Gamba ni pakai selendang je sebenanye. n aku pakai pun ikot suke aku jer. hahaha.. selendang ni bawak dari rumah.. kelaka doh time ni! haha

2) ni aku tak tau kenapa eh aku buat muke seburuk2 manusia ni! hahaha

3) sebenanye aku pakai baju incarnation.. haaa! aku ingat lagi.. time ni kelas aku start pukul 10. aku bangun pkl 9.30.. haha.. malas nak gosok baju kurung.. tarik je ape yg ade..selendang ni pun fyra yang pakai kan! hahahaha

4) time ni testing pakai tudung sebenanyer...

5) gambar ni kat depan umah. semangat giler pakai tudung!!! hahahahah tapi dorang kate comel. mcm pakai tudung saji..betulker?

6) ni kat library.. hehe.. no comment

7) mcm nak tendang tak muke aku yg ni? haha.. silakan2!

8) habis dah.. hehe :DD
p/s: sayang! amek ni ha.. gamba2 bertudung.. nak jadi isteri mithali. wahahahha... syg u la gilo!

16 August 2009



13 August 2009

Its okay

I'm getting better. cume mcm biase teringat kan die. hari ni asyk makan bende merepek jer!! keropok lah, coklat lah, kek span lah.. sampai skang aku kenyang dah! tak leh nak gerak.. tadi p lepak minum dgn amy,mickey,sape eh name bdk tu..akim ke azim.lupe lupe.. (da lame gile aku tak melepak dgn bdk lelaki kat kolej tuh.haha.mcm lain jer) xtually mickey dah stop kolej. tapi smlm aku terserempak kat alim.. so borak2 gitu je. tadi die p kolej. saje nak melepak..

Paperwork BATTLE OF THE BAND aku dah hantar pada abg syukri kot name die.. he he he:)) harap2 menjadi lah kan.. tepu uh kolej tu.. takde mende lain selain karnival sukan jer.. aku ni da lah berat bontot!! huahuahua..

aku tak tau nak tulis ape sbb skang pasaan aku tgh KOSONG.. lebih kurang mcm hati kering lah.. atau bak kata baju bdk2 salu pakai "SAYA JIWA KOSONG".. huahuahua.. merepek sial!
apape lahh... k uh.. karang2 aku upload lagi..

aku rindu giler kat member2 aku!!

12 August 2009

LisSyafique :)

1. Anda rasa anda hot?
tak hot langsung! Cold ade lah. hehe

2.Upload foto kegemaran anda.
takde gamba uh. sbb lappy org

3. Mengapa anda suka foto ini?

4. Bila kali terakhir anda makan pizza?
can't remember.long long time ago. haha. dah lame dah mengidam nak makan pizza tapi tak kesampaian sbb si dia dah takde :(

5. Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar?
Franklin - Paramore

6.Apa yg anda buat selain menyelesaikan tag ini?
Bace blog org lain

7. Selain dari nama sendiri, anda suka dipanggil dengan nama apa?
dyan. name ni dia sorang je yg pgl. :(

8. Tag lagi 6 orang.
4)bb ainaa
6)Tun Jia

9.Sape no 1 bagi anda?Dialah di hati.
Speaker kesayangan aku. hehe

10.Orang no 3 ada hubungan dengan siapa?
Mr Arin dia lah. hehe

11. Katakan sesuatu berkenaan dengan orang no 5.

12. No 4.
bb Ainaa.Gorg:D

13. Siape orang no 2?
Name die Tieta. Kecik je orgnyer even lagi tua dari aku. huahua:))

14. Bagi pesanan kepada orangg no 6.
Keep smiling!miss ya!

but, i love him soo much..

aku tak tau nak start mcm mane.. i can't forget bout him even for a second.. i cut his picture n put it in my wallet... aku tak blh stop kan hati aku dari nangis.. i need him by my side,.

jadi ego dfan! be strongg!! if u love him, u have to gv him some space.n some goes to urself!!!!!

tadi p ts. beli hadiah mah. then i bought a keychain.. chip&dale..i teringat time kat spore.. i suke sgt kat teddy bear chip&dale tu.. u ingat tak?? tapi tak beli sbb u cakap nnti susah nak bawak..i cakap takpe lah.. its ok.. next time je... u kate nnti kite pegi lagi, i bawak kete,kite beli k.. gosh!how sweet lah that time kan?tapi benda tu da lepas.. ni ari satu hari i tak dgr ur voice.. only God knows how i feel rite now...too much memory between us.. i try to make myself happy.. i ketawa... tapi i hipokrit..i know it wasnt me..

i love u, ady. sampai bile2 pun i akan syg u...i tak blh syg org lain mcm mane i sygkan u.. seriously i cant... u such a sweet memories of mine,syg... take care..

11 August 2009

You know nothing!

u know what? you dunno anything bout LOVE. u never know. deep inside my heart, there's only ur name. u never know it! never. this is the end. we're done. we're totally done.yeah, we can be a good friend (maybe)* . tapi i tau u takkan buat mcm tu kan? even kite 'special' pun u sanggup cakap u akan ketepikan i buat mase ni, apetah lagi kawan biase. pintu i sentiase bukak utk u. maybe yes, i lembut. i tak penah jadi keras. for once, i akan jadi keras. utk u. i know u want this right? i sacrifice everything.EVERYTHING. but u never realized it. i ketepikan my best friends. i tak penah cakap 'NO' kat u. u want anything, i'll give it to u. tapi skang u ckp i mcm2. yeah..i'm 9teen y.o girl. know nothing right? but i tau, i lagi mature dari u. hajar told me... (thanks hajar)*
u perfect ady.. u're so perfect. i'm not suitable for u..... i tak sesuai untuk manusie sePERFECT u. go n find someone's better than me. i'm sure u'll happy.. i'm not ur type.

i want my life back! i want to be happy. i taknak waste my tears utk bayang2 u.. i TAKDE laki lain, n i TAKNAK sesapa as my special. cos my heart is yours. only u. but for now, i need a space.mcm u jugak..... u tgh stress kan? u nak ketepikan i kan? i boleh ketepi dgn sendirinyer.... u sendiri yg cakap.. tgk lah..kalau semua dah ok, ok lah.. u akan tgk i mcm mane kan? i dah tak pk lagi.. i need my life.. kalau disebabkan i cakap i want my life back u pk mcm2, then u go for it. i nak life i balik sbb i nak happy. i taknak berhari2 ddk kat balkoni, nangis all the time....tak makan... sakit2 sebab u. tapi u tak penah pk i. u kutip i pasal u kesian.. i dont need ur sympathize,ady.. i dont need it..

ady, i love u for all my heart. theni bukan drama or whatever u called it.. this is the fact! now its all up to u.. for now, give me my happiness back cos i really need it..i'm sorry...

"i syg u sgt2" i selalu cakap ayat ni cos i really meant it.. thanx for everything..iloveyou..


u have to be strong dfan!
u have to protect urself!!!!!!

Currently Listen To: Franklin

And when we get home,
I know we won't be home at all
This place we live,
it is not where we belong
And I miss who we were in the town that we could call our own
Going back to get away after everything has changed

Could you remind me of a time when we were so alive?
(Everything has changed)
Do you remember that? Do you remember that?
(Everything has changed)
Could you help me push aside all that I have left behind?
(Everything has changed)
Do you remember that? Do you remember that?

So we stand here now and no one knows us at all
I won't get used to this
I won't get used to being gone
And going back won't feel the same if we aren't staying
Going back to get away after everything has changed

Could you remind me of a time when we were so alive?
(Everything has changed)
Do you remember that? Do you remember that?
(Everything has changed)
Could you help me push aside all that I have left behind?
(Everything has changed)
Do you remember that? Do you remember that?

Taking up our time
Taking up our time
Taking up our time

It's taking up our time again
Go back we can't go back at all
It's taking up our time again
Go back we can't go back at allI
t's taking up our time again
Go back we can't go back at all
It's taking up our time, taking up our time

Could you remind me of a time when we were so alive?
Do you remember that? Do you remember that?

**did u remember the days we through together?yeah.. it was so sweet.. if i could pause it.......

Tak kesampaian

Currently Listen To: Never Let This Go

Maybe if my heart stops beating
It won't hurt this much
And never will I have to answer
Again to anyone

Please don't get me wrong
Because I'll never let this go
But I can't find the words to tell you
I don't want to be alone
But now I feel like I don't know you

One day you'll get sick of
saying that everything's alright
And by then I'm sure I'll be pretending
Just like I am tonight

Please don't get me wrong

Because I'll never let this go
But I can't find the words to tell you
I don't want to be alone
But now I feel like I don't know you

Let this go, let this go

But I'll never let this go
But I can't find the words to tell you
I don't want to be alone
But now I feel like I don't know you

And I'll never let this go
But I can't find the words to tell you
That now I feel like I don't know you

*u have to let him go dfan! u have to. u have to sacrifice your love for him.
*u such a sweet memories of mine. demm! its really hard for me.


we're both need space and time

09 August 2009

This is what they called LOVE.

tadi pagi balik pukul 7 something. terus mandi basuh rambut.. haha.. lepas tu terus amek bantal n selimut sakti si dia aku tu then baring pat hall.. miss him so much! :( kalau die ade kan mesti aku tido lagi nyewwwnyakkk..


aku dan getting better ngn die.. heran lah... over, over tapi tak over jugakk.. n this is what we called as LOVE. isnt it? hehee..

but lately, i'm always thinking for that 'GIRL'.. i'm afraid of losing him because of her.! sampai termimpi-mimpi, terngiang-ngiang.hehehhe
but i always pray to be with him forever.
sayang u sgt2.

kempunan nak makan tandoori ngn nan kat ampang
sedap sial!
u! besok p makan kat sane jom!
i belanjer
duit da masuk.. i nak beli brang umah skali lewww
boleh ehhh??


terbaikk!! sesiapa ada flyer sila la update kat blog nii..
(maklumlah.. da tade mespes.. hehe)
yg aku tau 30sept09 hari rabu. aku mesti datang punyer

08 August 2009


lepas je aku post blog semalam
he called me. ajak kuar makan.
but.. entah lah.
everything seems different.
mcm nothing je..
hope everything gonna be fine then :D

07 August 2009


tough week!
ntahlahh.. aku ta tau nak express this feeling mcm mane.
nak balik jb,.... rindu kat umi...
hari tu. time.................................. aku msg umi mintak nasihat.
gosh! mencurah2 sial air mata.
masuk hari ke4 aku tak makan.
lapa gilss.. tapi tak tau lah..
takde selera nak makan.,
thinking of him all the time,.
terseksa sial aku!!!

ya ALLAH,......................... kalau aku ni mmg takde jodo ngn die,
pls lah tunjukkan. aku penat mengharap...
tak blh makan, plus, stress dgn class yg full nak mampos sem ni!
mcm siak jer!!!!

umi, adik sedih ni...
die da tak sayang adik lagi..
die da jumpe org lain which is better than ur only daughter ni...
adik sedih.. adik tak blh makan,,
too much memories between us..
kalau umi ade kat sini kan best..
mesti umi kasi support kat adik je..
adik sunyi kat sini... kawan2 adik tak mcm umi,,,..
adik tak tau nak mengadu kat sape:((

u, kalau u dh jumpe org lain, kasi tau je.tkyah buat i mcm orang gile
tunggu bulan jatuh ke riba..
i mmg tak sedar diri... i tak perfect nak carik org perfect...

GOSH!!! I HATE MY LIFEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!