26 October 2010

Happy Birthday to Me.

Early Wish
From my lovely unDeclared bf: To my lovely girlfriend who sells cookies, I'll come tomorrow to spend time with ya. Hopefully I'll make you happy. I love you. I wouldn't hurt you intentially. I want to wish you an early birthday wish because this is my last credit. Happy Birthday and love you, Cookies!

I love you too sweetheart. :) thanks. u're really make me happy. thanks aloads baby. muahmuah. :D

Midnight wish
Kptm Lupi: Hepi Besday.may god bless u.. (and he called.)
BFF.Cobiz: Fang fang, happy birthday fang. Smoga pnjg umur and murah rezeki :-D syg kau. Jaga diri. May god bless you. hee
JB.Bubu: Fan hepi birthdy!!syg ko!yla smbt aq xdkn..:(

Thanks aloads kawan kawan. sayang kau orang :D

Making day wisher.
Amy tuanputeri: thanks for the Baby Barney. i love it so much!! and, thanks for the secret recipe. i like it, babe!!

Lynn, yana, paan, ezza, CR, syaz & bf: Thanks for the telur and tepung. Love ya aloadsss!! :DD

Pedo, paeh, lupi, pendi, pjoe, emi, bro: Thanks for the shisha-ing. Love ya alot too :D

Nas: Thanks for belanje Nasi Lemak Taman Dagang. :DDDD

and yeah, this is the best birthday i've ever had. thanks guys.

dfanheartcore :D